Tuesday, April 28, 2020

O Taste and See How Great Our God Can Be

April 28,2020

“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of thy faithful, enkindle in them the fire of Thy Divine Love, send forth your Spirit, and it shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth.”

Reading 1, Acts 8:1-8
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7
Gospel, John 6:35-40

"...there was great rejoicing in that town."
"How awesome you are! "
"Jesus answered them: I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever hunger; no one who believes in me will ever thirst."

In the first reading, we learned about the early Christians, bravely proclaiming the gospel to as many people as possible despite the threat of death to their lives as experienced by Stephen.  Despite the fact that Saul was heavily persecuting them, even endorsing the death of Stephen, the early Christians, like Philip continued to do what they needed to do and that is to spread the work and words of Jesus.

How about us? What is stopping us from fulfilling the great commission of Christ to us, to spread His message, His good news, far and wide?

Are we experiencing too much hunger and thirst that we are not able to do what is expected of us?

Are we allowing the threat of COVID 19 to keep us in the chains of darkness and fear?

God is still in control and for this we should give thanks.

He still gives us each day to wake up. He still provides for our daily bread and water to sustain us.

He provides for us shelter.

Basic things He has provided for us.

Should we not give thanks by doing us we are told?

God is so awesome and powerful that he…

My thoughts were cut short when I received a call from my friend at this time.

She told me she just placed an order for a 6 seater  Bjursta Ikea dining set to be delivered to me soon.

How awesome is our God in deed!

This comes at the heels of another friend who just said out of the blue, I will take care of your fee of 80 CAD so I can start my training to become a Financial Advisor plus the  janitor of this property calling me to say he brought the corner lamp he wants to give us.

Thank you God for sending angels among us to give us messages of your hope and providence.

Alleluia !

Praise to you now and forever Oh Lord!

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us who have perpertual recourse to thee.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle.

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