Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Monday

April 13,2020

“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of thy faithful, enkindle in them the fire of thy Divine love, send forth your Spirit, and it shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.”


Yesterday, I decidedly  to affirm words that can hopefully manifest in my life.

Words of patience, kindness, calmness to permeate my thoughts, words and actions.

I forgive myself for failing hours later.

I lost my cool when Lilli started to whine and pine in protest to the single task I made her do with her sister.

Marina kept reminding her that when she was Lilli’s age, she would obey without much complains when I make her do 100 sentences as a result of some infraction.

Theirs was just 50 sentences of 2 complex sentences, trying to affirm the need for order in our days.

I think it was more than 3 nights ago that they went beyond the limit of two movies for the night before lights off.

I announced the following day that there will be a corresponding action to that.

But then, it was only yesterday that I made them do 100 sentences of affirming the action of promoting order in our days and being obedient to instructions.

Anyway, we got into a deal with Lilli, much to the dismay of the older sister, that she will do her 100 words in installments of 20/day.

Good enough for me.


This morning, during prayer time, I reviewed again the psalm readings for the past days which have really resonated with me so much..let me share them here:

PSALM 118:17   “ I will not die, but live and  declare the wonderful works of the Lord.”

Jesus, King of Mercy, I trust in you.

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