Monday, April 27, 2020

April 28 Reflections

“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of thy faithful, enkindle in them the fire of thy Love, send forth your Spirit, and it shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.”


This morning, I am doing the reflections for April 28 gospel reflections questions.
 What do you hunger and thirst for the most? Come to Jesus, the Bread of Life and Living Water.
What controls you? Are you the master of your instincts and drives?

The first reading tells us about Stephen being stoned to death. It describes to us  the act of love he showed before he breathed his last. He prayed that  God may forgive his persecutors, he believes that the people stoning him to death didn’t know better.
He had no need for self preservation. Nor the need to seek retribution or vengeance.
I on the other hand, have not yet properly overcome certain tendencies in me to have the last say.
To express my thoughts and feelings.
To seek justice when there is wrong doing especially implicating me in a very bad light.
Several weeks now, I have been reminded to forgive the unforgiveable, to love the unlovable and to keep hoping in the midst of this cover of darkness called COVID 19.
I continue to fail.
I seek my redress in the  giver of life, the living water, the bread of life…Jesus.
He reminds me to forgive and let go of the pain and hurt.
Jesus reminds me to surrender everything at the foot of the cross.
Jesus reminds me to immerse myself in His precious blood of mercy…so that my family and I will continue serving Him, confident of His protection and guidance.
He reminds me that He is in control and with that  knowledge, I do not worry, and instead TRUST in His greatness, power and strength.

Mary, the Mother of God, pray for us.
St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle.

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