Thursday, April 7, 2011


Amazing and Awesome April 7,2011
9:01 a.m.

Sarah Ban Breathnach’s reflections for the past few days focus once again on discovering one’s authentic self by paring down on certain things in our life. From the choice of needs over wants to how we clothe ourselves. From fashion to architecture, less is almost always more.
I just let go of my 2 sofa chairs, that has been with us since the start of my family. My husband bought it for our first home which was just a one studio thing.
I learned to love it through the years.
But as we moved into a much smaller apartment it became something of a sore thumb. The size did not fit in very well.
So, I let go of the long couch first despite the obvious displeasure of both my hubby and my pre-schooler.
And finally, after several years, I finally let go of the 2 arm chairs which have been so scratched and peeling off already.
Many attempts to have it re-upholstered have been unsuccessful.
Either hubby and I would at times, rescind on the plan.
So, thank God, finally, it is gone.
I am enjoying the empty space it formerly occupied.
And after several days of leaving it in a sorry state... my daughter and I have slowly transformed it into a reading nook for her. She and I love it so much.
I am so thrilled to see her new choicest books take up pleasant residence on the top level of the small shelf my brother asked me to babysit for him.
The wonder and fun of reading time my daughter and I get from the book of box we just got of The Diary of the Wimpy Kid shares the space with her modest volume of Nancy Drew books which were last Christmas gift to Marina.
The Diary collection was her end of the home school year reward. Something which I found as a good investment although it caused quite a dent on my pocket over the weekend.
Definitely, letting go is major step one has to master in order to bask in the holy principle of Less is More.
Thanks Sarah for showing me the way through all these years.

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