Amazing and Awesome April 21,2011
As we reflect and observe Holy Thursday today, I marvel and am in awe at the very simple and yet powerful message of LOVE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He knew that Peter would deny him several times.
He also knew that Judas would betray Him.
And yet, He washed their feet for them and broke bread with them in the Feast of the Passover.
This week, since Palm Sunday, I was able to watch the powerful film by Mel Gibson, the Passion of Christ.
Several years now, it is my tradition to watch this oh so powerful and vivid film of Jesus, passion, death and resurrection.
Last Tuesday, in replacement for my English Tutorial class for 2 brothers (9 and 10 year old), We watched it again with Marina.
The 10 minute scourging at the pillar was a ghastly sight to watch for them.
They were like glued to the laptop screen.
Marina and I could not bare watching it.
The boys were so transfixed.
It was so interesting to watch them.
They would gasp and flinch now and then as if feeling the pain themselves.
The part where Jesus’ hands were being nailed on the cross,
Joshua and Jerome were starting to exclaim their objections.
And they were anticipating the excruciating pain of the feet part .
For me, as always, I could not bare watch it.
I just listened to the audio...and when the film would show Mama Mary, taking this all in...I was just thinking...Oh My...what terrible agony to watch your own flesh and blood go through such suffering and death.
Yes, indeed, the film Passion of Christ is a good reflection on the great and final work of Jesus for our salvation.
Put in the perspective of all our trivial sufferings and bickering...all seems so small and finite.
The passion of Christ is such a big deal in contrast that requires a positive response from me in my life.
That I, with God’s grace and Mama Mary’s presence...
can overcome, all the denials and rejections and betrayals that I am constantly faced with each day, as I struggle and fall and rise in trudging the road less travelled.
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