Saturday, January 25, 2025



January 25,2025


Come Oh Holy Spirit of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, please send me your Holy Spirit, please enkindle in me the fire of your Divine love, send forth Your Spirit Oh Lord, and it shall be created, and You Oh Lord, shall renew the face of the earth, starting with my thoughts and words and actions Oh Lord Jesus.

** ***

Today, I stood up for my morning bathroom visit at 5:46am. The pain from my over extended left knee was making me grumble and mumble arghhh ouch array ...I at once claimed and declared it is a very BEAUTIFUL DAY despite the aches and pains we encounter or have to deal with along the way.

Next week, the Chinese will be celebrating a New Lunar New Year. It coincides with Ruel and our 23rd’s wedding anniversary. January 30.

My first born is eager to prepare something for us as early as December. She reminds me also it is our dog Mayo’s 10th bday.


I heard our bedroom door open, and here comes the excited pitter patter of our fur baby coming to me as if she instinctively knew I was writing about her.

Many times, I have proven this is really so.

I quietly prepare for her food while busy with other prep and she would come close to me as if she was cued already.

Really! I honestly believe she reads my mind.

The other day, while we had some visitors and our conversation was getting to be more passionate and emotional...she stands infront of me, looking at me with this puppy wide eyes...” Are you okey?” and “ Do I need to bark aggressively at anyone like the postman or squirrels and bunnies in the front yard?”

Mayo is indeed a blessing. I thank God for this gift.

Ruel and I are being tested again in how we can work together and target the overcoming of another looming mountain before us.

I continue to ask for extra graces and mercies from Our Great Mighty God, who is ever true to His Promises to us of miraculous favors and magnificent blessings.

Thank you God for this blessing disguised as a challenge.

Last night, I wanted to sleep off my “ under the weather” physical symptoms...but tasks and meetings had to be accomplished.

Thank you God for the grace to be able to PUSH MYSELF a bit more beyond my limits.

After my prayer time today, here I go again writing away my worries and anxieties away.

Another blessing of grace to rest and persevere.

Thank you God.

Kerygma Gospel Questions and my reflections for today:

To whom is Jesus sending you to share the Gospel?

How will you share the Good News with this person?

The Baptism we receive is not a social function. How can we live out our call to mission?


My thoughts:

You, my dear reader...let me tell you first and foremost, God, Our Father Almighty, LOVES YOU.

The snow covered roof tops infront of me and behind me, as I gaze our of my east and west windows, reminds me of white icing cake.

It looks so yummy.

Also, it reminds me that no matter how bad my sins are, God, through His Son Jesus Christ, already washed it away with His most precious BLOOD, that if we believe in Him, trust in Him, we can have LIFE to the full, here on earth and in the after life.

Pure and unadulterated wiping out of our sins. Clean and renewed slate as long as we ask for His most Divine Mercy, strength and grace.

He will walk with me in my path towards His Will and holiness...which is simply also known as greatness and excellence in following the way of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Student learning the craft of His Master.

Trainee in residence declaring :

Responsorial Psalm | Psalm 117:1, 2

R: Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.

Praise the Lord, all you nations; glorify him, all you peoples! (R) 2 For steadfast is his kindness toward us, and the fidelity of the Lord endures forever. (R)

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