Thursday, January 2, 2025

January 2,2025 Gospel Reflections

 Blessed New Year 2025!!!

Come Oh Holy Spirit, please fill the heart of Your faithful, please enkindle in me the fire of Your Divine Love, send forth Your Spirit Oh Lord, and it shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the world, starting with my thoughts, my habits, my decisions and my life.

Last night, Ruel and I had a nice chat at bedtime.

I now beg the Lord's Mercies and graces for these intentions to come into fruition in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, and through the powerful intercession of Mary, Most Holy Mother of God.

Here are today's gospel readings reflection questions for me to ponder on:

Are your troubles making you doubt yourself?

It is important for us to reflect on what it means to "abide in Jesus" (verse 28) as we live the Christian life. We need the strength and power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to enable us to live this way of life. When we abide in Jesus, we gain His strength. Let us pray for the grace to dwell in Him and let Him dwell in us

Do you recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in your life?
How can you surrender to Him in a deeper way?

How have you blocked the Lord’s path recently by your words and actions?

Before I proceed, please allow me to identify and thank Bo Sanchez and his various ministries especially the Kerygma Daily Bible Reflection.

I have been receiving this most regularly for more than 30 years to my email.

The format is very nice.

It starts with the reflection of Bo Sanchez ( usually the first day of the month ) and other lay missionaries. Then each reading is given a introduction. Short but ever helpful in putting you in the right context of the scripture.

Then a priest gives his thoughts on the gospel readings with the applicable short prayers and reflection questions.

I continue to pray that Bo Sanchez and his various media tools be blessed more abundantly.

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The first reading asks us what a LIAR or who is one?

The psalms extol God as our savior at all times and that this will be made known to the ends of the earth.

The gospel tells us about John, the Baptist cousin of Jesus, who prepared the way for His coming and work.

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Am I a liar?

Do I engage in lies?

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First question asks me if my troubles have made me doubt myself. I'd say, my self doubt and lack of confidence has put me in some trouble.

Thus, my challenge is to seek God's will in everything I do from the moment I wake up to the time I lay my head on my pillow at night...

Focus on His will and work, and the strength to do it first and foremost and have faith and confidence that everything will fall into place as He has shown me countless of times.

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I may have blocked the Lord's path recently by focusing on my own wants and desires.

The solution to this is to refocus on His Will, His work first...and all will fall into place.

My prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, please continue to guide me in seeking your will in my life as a wife, mother and  business person in the market place.

I know you LOVE me so much. Thank you.

I remain and abide in your care, protection and guidance as your child.



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