Friday, May 10, 2024

Where or what is the rub?




Come Oh Holy Spirit, please fill the hearts of thy faithful, enkindle in us Oh Lord the fire of Your Divine love, send forth Your Spirit Oh Lord, and IT shall be created, and You Oh Lord, shall renew the face of the earth, starting with my mind, my thoughts, my hearts, my feelings, my body and my soul and the rest of my physical, social and economic enviroments.

Jesus, King of Mercy, I trust in You.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of My Lord and Savior, please cover us with your blue mantle of protection, now and always.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

St. Damian of Molokai, please pray for us.

** ***

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for the beautiful messages via the lessons I had to take. Some of which are on repeat. Very slow learner here Oh Lord.

Thank you for the private victories and the public failures and shame that I have encountered recently.

Help me learn the lessons and apply them in my life in service of others, out of my LOVE for you and of others.

Please allow me to reflect on today’s Kerygma Daily Bible Reflection questions :

1.)How do you deal with the tension in your life? 

2.)Think about a past experience of deep suffering in your life. How did you overcome this with God? Thank Him for His grace.

3.)What have you asked from the Father that He has given you? How did you feel? 

For the first question, I abhor tensions. It is most uncomfortable. I try to relax and be calm, but, it is something I think I have to do trial and errors.

Deep breathing.


Practice they say, makes perfect...will see.

Let me define TENSION for me.

It is for me the presence of two opposing forces.

Example, as a parent/mother to my daughters, if i find that their beds are not made, there are power bar wrappers left on their pillows, with a trail of chocolate makes me almost fall into dismay.

This creates TENSION in me especially when I have to keep reminding them of not eating in their rooms or on their beds.

Another example of a recent tension for me, is when a mentor does not see the wisdom in my courses of action, explain as I may, she still refuses to see it my way.

2.) An experience of deep suffering

Today’s gospel reading from the book of John talks about a woman in labor pains.

Yesterday, on our way home from Vista, I share to my daughter who was driving for me, while we were stuck in traffic due to the many road repair, a photo I saw on FB. It showed cartoon drawings of 2 drinking glasses filled with water.

There was a person in each glass.

The caption was, this is how I meet life’s challenges.

One person was super struggling in trying to remain afloat, while the person on the other glass was happily floating on his back with arms flung back, hands cupping his head.

It made me laugh out loud since I was commiserating on my very recent flop.

It also reminded me of the mindset of half empty or half full glass.

Then, sometime last night, I chanced upon a saying, the same boiling water that makes egg hard, is the same temperature that softens a potato.

Whatever tension, struggles, hardships and pain that may come my way, I have the freedom to choose how it will affect me.

Shall it make me be defeated or shall I emerge a victor out of it?

There is the rub!


It has been one year now since we received the gift of this beautiful home we call in honor of St. Joseph. It has brought us so much joy.

As my youngest and I has some snacks earlier, we both marvelled at the beauty of the blue skies, and the white and dark clouds passing by as the strong wind blows then south ward.

So, yes, as we sit in our round dining table, we get a good view of the east and west windows, showing us how wonderful the blues, greens, and golden yellows of God’s magnificent creations.

My prayer:

Dear Jesus, thank you for bringing me the joy of your creation. You and God the Father are one and with the power of most Holy Spirit, I believe and claim FULLNESS OF JOY and LIFE overflowing to all of my activities and intentions, now and always.

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