Sunday, May 5, 2024

May The Force Be With You, Anak!


May 5,2024


Come Oh most Holy Spirit, please fill the hearts of thy faithful, please enkindle in us the fire of Thy Divine love, send forth Your Spirit, and it shall be created, and You Oh Lord shall renew the face of the earth, starting with my mind, my thoughts, my heart, my body and my soul and the rest of my immediate enviroment and areas of influence.

Jesus, my lord and my Savior, I put my hope and trust in You.

Mary, the Mother of my God, pray for us. Ave Maria.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

St. Michael, the Arcangel, defend us in battle.

St. Padre Pio, pray for us.

St. Charbel Maklouf of Lebanon, pray for us.

St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.

St. Mother Teresa, pray for us.

** *** **

Dear Mari:

You are now 21 years young.

I thank and praise Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the grace to be able to see you at this stage of your life.

I will never forget the first time I laid my eyes on you!!! You are such a beautiful gift!

We stared wide eyed at each other, me groggy from the aneasthesia, you, just seeing the world for the first time.

The nurse was planning to whisk you off right away.

I had to remind them to put you skin to skin on me.

It was such a heavenly experience.

The first time I held you in my arms was a few hours later...

The struggle to get up after a C section was forgotten, as soon as the nursery attendant gave you to me.

We had some initial challenges in nursing you. But, soon, the minutes turned into hours...if I am not mistaken, I was there with you from 7am to almost past 1pm.

I didnt like to let go of you.

That is why I decided to room you in the hospital.

Oh, you were so frustrated that we could not get the latching and milk production right.

There were so many trial and errors with you as your mom.

Thank you for forgiving me/us your parents for the many times we failed you.

How time flies indeed, right now, you are testing your wings.

You are almost ready to make more choices like a young adult.

Always remember, you need not make the same mistakes I did or we did as your parents.

Do not rush into things too much.

I see that you like speed.

It can be exhilarating...but, learn how to work within certain parameters that are set or designed to keep us safe and life giving.

Yesterday, on our way to Lilli’s Manitoba Honor Band concert, I noticed that my Hoskas are now sprouting.

So happy!

I was worried that they would not break soil after winter.

I thought that they did not survive our first winter here in Bahay ni San Jose.

But they seemed to be on good ground.

The same way, I know and am confident, that you are set on a firm foundation with your faith. I trust that you will seek our Lord’s counsel in the many small and big choices you are going to make.

It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will guide you in making the right choices.

I consecrate you and your life to our Lady and her most Immaculate Heart.

Thank you for the many times you surprise me with your awesomeness!!!

Victoria Marina, you are such a beautiful child!

You will always be  loved!

Mama *

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