Sunday, November 11, 2018

November 11,2018


After the busy weekend, I slowed down the pace for today’s homeschooling.
At the end of the day, I distributed the virtue, health and allowance points system charts.
We got a bit of a snag in the first.
In the name of accountability, I reviewed each virtue and I told them where I failed and how I exhibited a particular virtue.
Then, I asked my first born to do the same.
I met a stone wall in the process. She refused to do as I did. She simply said, check for every item she feels she practiced today.
I tried to tell her that she has to support her claim and that we would agree or not.
No budge.
She wanted her baby sister to go first.
We first tried doing this system last Wednesday when her baby sister was sick with fever, thus she was exempted. This would have been her first attempt, thus, making her go first was not what I had in mind.
Tick Tock…
I didn’t push it.
Called it a night.
I hope to do better tomorrow.
Perhaps, we could discuss the meaning of each virtue and find how they could have been applied to a particular situation.
We shall further see tomorrow.

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