Saturday, March 28, 2020

One Month in Winnipeg, Canada

March 28,2020

Today marks one month being here in Winnipeg.
Thank you Lord for the wonderful blessings we have received.

Thank you Lord Jesus for the positive things and events coming out of this almost bleak COVID 19 reality.

I know that this temporary situation is an opportunity for goodness and more humanity to come out of me and my circle of influence.

Today, I resume my online diary of  my life and musings.

Why do I need to do this?

Early on, I have discovered the therapeutic benefits of  putting my emotions and thoughts into the written form. Eventually, I also discovered to write the letters I do not need to send.

I am learning to put problems into perspective using the power of words.

Today, I count and focus on the blessings:

1. Thank you Lord Jesus for your continued protection and mighty cover against this COVID 19 threat. 
2. Thank you Lord Jesus for my hubby Ruel. He woke me up this morning so we can join my siblings in an online Rosary devotion. 
3. Thank you Lord Jesus for my youngest sister, her husband and only daughter for housing us for the time being. One month now and counting to be exact. They have been patient in dealing with this temporary inconvenience with so much understanding and support.
4. Thank you Lord Jesus for your wisdom and guidance...that despite this scary reality ,that life on this earth is super temporary and can be snuffed out easily by this virus, He is leading us to have faith in Him and to depend on His providence , mercy and love.
5.Thank you Lord Jesus for technology, that we can use it to reconnect and strengthen family bond.
6. Thank you Lord Jesus for the many friends who show care and support. 
7. Thank you Lord Jesus for the food on our table.
8. Thank you Lord Jesus for the sources of our income.
9. Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of your Mother, Blessed Mary...
10. Thank you Lord Jesus for the sunlight streaming gloriously into this room as I type. Thank you for my family infront of me, the lovely scene outside the window. Thawing snow and the quiet neighborhood.

May I continue this practice of using words to uplift myself and others in hope, faith and love of Our Lord Jesus, now and forever.

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