Saturday, September 30, 2017



I am about to embark again in my nth attempt to become a better me in 30 days or so. Yeah, at almost 50, one would think that I had it all together.
Not quite.
Things seem to be literally and figuratively fraying in the seams. Bulging at the lines and falling apart.
I just recently advised someone who was yelling for help. She was in an all time low.
I could not just say, my emotional roller coaster has been spinning in dizzying speeds, dropping from all time high to lows in split seconds.
Have I conquered my sugar intake? No!
Have I exercised regularly? No!
Have I earned an honest day's wage? No!
Have I realized my bestest self? _______

In a 24 hour....perhaps,only 3 hours of my waking moments!

Well, let me restrain myself just a bit here and count my blessings instead and tell my self that the BLUES will pass. I  am so BLESSED TO BE STRESSED.

As I end September I thank my Lord and my Maker for the following blessings:

1. The opportunity to be under one roof with my family in this host country.
2. The regular income of my husband.
3. The opportunity to home school my kids
4. Family and friends who took the time to greet me for my birthday.
5. This beautiful house we call home.
6. The opportunity to write my thoughts down.
7. The many learning opportunities that come along that challenges me to be a better person each day.
8. The chance to correct my wrongs each day as I greet a new day.
9.The love of my husband and daughters
10. The best friend I have in me.

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