Friday, February 14, 2025

February 14

 Many Remembrances of this day of hearts...

1. There was this rushed date with a relationship of 4 years...that ended in a jolt and a shock. Took me years to recover.

2. The year 2010 where I gifted myself and my love ones with the best love letter income protection investment with Eternal Plans from my very good neighbor in Wayan St. Mandaluyong.

She inspired me to be like her...a crusader for leaving testaments of love that will echo even long after one is gone.

3. Kris Aquino. Born in this day of hearts. A complex woman of contradictions and very strong convictions. I pray for her and many others who are battling very visible wars over bodily strength and resilience.

Our Lady of Lourdes, please intercede for our prayers for healing of body and soul.

4. Gudauri, Georgia 2019. The cross roads of Eastern Europe and Asia of formerly Soviet control . Paragliding in the snowy capped Caucasus mountains.  A-getting -to-know snow and winter and challenges to come as we embark in our greatest step, immigration to the great white north.

I still get nervous looking at my video. I still have guilt and worry thinking of the worst case scenario...but, our Creator is not done with our story of salvation. 

I decide to continue putting my hope in Him for protection, provision and  guidance.

"It will do us well to remember Saint Augustine who is credited to have said, “God, who created you without asking you, will not save you without asking you.” Fr. Joel Jason"

May God be praised!

Saturday, January 25, 2025



January 25,2025


Come Oh Holy Spirit of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, please send me your Holy Spirit, please enkindle in me the fire of your Divine love, send forth Your Spirit Oh Lord, and it shall be created, and You Oh Lord, shall renew the face of the earth, starting with my thoughts and words and actions Oh Lord Jesus.

** ***

Today, I stood up for my morning bathroom visit at 5:46am. The pain from my over extended left knee was making me grumble and mumble arghhh ouch array ...I at once claimed and declared it is a very BEAUTIFUL DAY despite the aches and pains we encounter or have to deal with along the way.

Next week, the Chinese will be celebrating a New Lunar New Year. It coincides with Ruel and our 23rd’s wedding anniversary. January 30.

My first born is eager to prepare something for us as early as December. She reminds me also it is our dog Mayo’s 10th bday.


I heard our bedroom door open, and here comes the excited pitter patter of our fur baby coming to me as if she instinctively knew I was writing about her.

Many times, I have proven this is really so.

I quietly prepare for her food while busy with other prep and she would come close to me as if she was cued already.

Really! I honestly believe she reads my mind.

The other day, while we had some visitors and our conversation was getting to be more passionate and emotional...she stands infront of me, looking at me with this puppy wide eyes...” Are you okey?” and “ Do I need to bark aggressively at anyone like the postman or squirrels and bunnies in the front yard?”

Mayo is indeed a blessing. I thank God for this gift.

Ruel and I are being tested again in how we can work together and target the overcoming of another looming mountain before us.

I continue to ask for extra graces and mercies from Our Great Mighty God, who is ever true to His Promises to us of miraculous favors and magnificent blessings.

Thank you God for this blessing disguised as a challenge.

Last night, I wanted to sleep off my “ under the weather” physical symptoms...but tasks and meetings had to be accomplished.

Thank you God for the grace to be able to PUSH MYSELF a bit more beyond my limits.

After my prayer time today, here I go again writing away my worries and anxieties away.

Another blessing of grace to rest and persevere.

Thank you God.

Kerygma Gospel Questions and my reflections for today:

To whom is Jesus sending you to share the Gospel?

How will you share the Good News with this person?

The Baptism we receive is not a social function. How can we live out our call to mission?


My thoughts:

You, my dear reader...let me tell you first and foremost, God, Our Father Almighty, LOVES YOU.

The snow covered roof tops infront of me and behind me, as I gaze our of my east and west windows, reminds me of white icing cake.

It looks so yummy.

Also, it reminds me that no matter how bad my sins are, God, through His Son Jesus Christ, already washed it away with His most precious BLOOD, that if we believe in Him, trust in Him, we can have LIFE to the full, here on earth and in the after life.

Pure and unadulterated wiping out of our sins. Clean and renewed slate as long as we ask for His most Divine Mercy, strength and grace.

He will walk with me in my path towards His Will and holiness...which is simply also known as greatness and excellence in following the way of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Student learning the craft of His Master.

Trainee in residence declaring :

Responsorial Psalm | Psalm 117:1, 2

R: Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.

Praise the Lord, all you nations; glorify him, all you peoples! (R) 2 For steadfast is his kindness toward us, and the fidelity of the Lord endures forever. (R)

Friday, January 3, 2025

January 3,2025 Gospel Reading Reflections

 Blessed, Bountiful New Year 2025!

Come Oh Most Holy Spirit, please fill the hearts of thy faithful, enkindle in us the fire of thy Divine Love, please send forth Your Holy Spirit Lord and it shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth.

Today's lay reflection is by Rissa Singsong Kawpeng.

She tells us of a very holy mission worker who was called to the next life after battling stage 4 cancer.

Prayers for his physical healing was not answered.

Reminds us of  God being God. He gives and He takes back on His perfect time.

Yesterday, I got two information of death of friends/relatives.

And a young  distant niece battling Meningitis.

My Father-in-law struggling with some prostate issues while in the hospital for a week now.

Lord Jesus, we continue to seek your tender Mercies and Graces, for complete and total healing of our love ones and friends as well as the eternal repose of those who passed on.

** **

Reflection questions:

What is Christian hope?

How can you be a pilgrim and ambassador of hope this new year?

** **

The reflections of Father Albert Garong SSP is very beautiful.

Please allow me to directly quote it:

Today’s readings remind us that we, Christians, walk along two timelines. For us, time is not just the forward passing of seconds (chronos), but also moments of divine opportunity, or God’s perfect timing (kairos).

“When the fullness of time had come,” says Paul in Galatians, “God sent His Son.” What is this fullness? Who can predict it? God’s time will always be a mystery to us. Such is the basis of our hope: that God has His own perfect time, which no one can predict or influence. His perfect wisdom, justice, and plans are not ours to control but ours to completely rely on, as Mary did, whose faith led her to say yes and believe that God’s timeline was more important than her own. 

As we put to action our carefully designed plans, may we look up to Mary, Mother of God and model of hope. Let us trust that whether it is the first day of the year, the middle of a difficult month, or near the end of another year where nothing seems to have gone our way, God’s interventions can happen anytime, anywhere, in ways unimagined, and always better than anything we could have anticipated. 

As we remain in God’s mysteries, we navigate life’s twists and turns, and ponder them with faith in our hearts. Like Mary and Joseph, we remain obedient to God’s commandments and stay close to the Church, so that when it is our turn to receive His invitation to what He has been preparing for us all along, we can also give our wholehearted yes. With this in our hearts and minds, Jubilee Year 2025 will surely be a pilgrimage of hope. May we radiate this hope so that others can be lifted up, too, by God’s perfect plan for them. Fr. Albert Garong, SSP

** ***

Today, I had an important Divine Appointment despite the fact that I woke up with a terrible head cold. My other plans for today were revised due to this.

I was not able to get up and prepare Ruel's lunch.

Despite the twists and turns experienced in my schedule and plans getting disrupted, I pause and  continue to pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to have the grace to put my HOPE and CONFIDENCE in God's will and direction for my life as I continue to show up as a CHILD OF LIGHT to the world.

Thank you dear God for the graces to be able to do what is expected of me today and always.

Mary, Most Holy, My Mother, continue to pray for me.

St. Joseph, terror of demons, continue to pray and protect my family and me especially in the home we call in your honor.

** ***

I found this in youtube a few minutes ago. I claim all the prayers of breaking of financial curses in my life through this prayer of this person and in Jesus most Holy Name.

** ***

Responsorial Psalm | Psalm 98:1, 3-4, 5-6 (or Psalm 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6)

R: All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.

1 Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done wondrous deeds; his right hand has won victory for him, his holy arm. (R) 3 All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God. 4 Sing joyfully to the Lord, all you lands; break into song; sing praise. (R) 5 Sing praise to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and melodious song. 6 With trumpets and the sound of the horn sing joyfully before the King, the Lord. (R)

Alleluia Alleluia

Thursday, January 2, 2025

January 2,2025 Gospel Reflections

 Blessed New Year 2025!!!

Come Oh Holy Spirit, please fill the heart of Your faithful, please enkindle in me the fire of Your Divine Love, send forth Your Spirit Oh Lord, and it shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the world, starting with my thoughts, my habits, my decisions and my life.

Last night, Ruel and I had a nice chat at bedtime.

I now beg the Lord's Mercies and graces for these intentions to come into fruition in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, and through the powerful intercession of Mary, Most Holy Mother of God.

Here are today's gospel readings reflection questions for me to ponder on:

Are your troubles making you doubt yourself?

It is important for us to reflect on what it means to "abide in Jesus" (verse 28) as we live the Christian life. We need the strength and power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to enable us to live this way of life. When we abide in Jesus, we gain His strength. Let us pray for the grace to dwell in Him and let Him dwell in us

Do you recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in your life?
How can you surrender to Him in a deeper way?

How have you blocked the Lord’s path recently by your words and actions?

Before I proceed, please allow me to identify and thank Bo Sanchez and his various ministries especially the Kerygma Daily Bible Reflection.

I have been receiving this most regularly for more than 30 years to my email.

The format is very nice.

It starts with the reflection of Bo Sanchez ( usually the first day of the month ) and other lay missionaries. Then each reading is given a introduction. Short but ever helpful in putting you in the right context of the scripture.

Then a priest gives his thoughts on the gospel readings with the applicable short prayers and reflection questions.

I continue to pray that Bo Sanchez and his various media tools be blessed more abundantly.

** **

The first reading asks us what a LIAR or who is one?

The psalms extol God as our savior at all times and that this will be made known to the ends of the earth.

The gospel tells us about John, the Baptist cousin of Jesus, who prepared the way for His coming and work.

** **

Am I a liar?

Do I engage in lies?

** ***

First question asks me if my troubles have made me doubt myself. I'd say, my self doubt and lack of confidence has put me in some trouble.

Thus, my challenge is to seek God's will in everything I do from the moment I wake up to the time I lay my head on my pillow at night...

Focus on His will and work, and the strength to do it first and foremost and have faith and confidence that everything will fall into place as He has shown me countless of times.

** **

I may have blocked the Lord's path recently by focusing on my own wants and desires.

The solution to this is to refocus on His Will, His work first...and all will fall into place.

My prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, please continue to guide me in seeking your will in my life as a wife, mother and  business person in the market place.

I know you LOVE me so much. Thank you.

I remain and abide in your care, protection and guidance as your child.



Monday, December 30, 2024

A Year in Review. Life Events Surfacing.


December 30, 2024

9:26am Central Time

It has been quite a long time now since I have sat down and written anything considerably satisfying for my own need to be heard and be of value.

Consider this my attention seeking if you may. You are free to think whatever you wish.

For me, this is my armchair psychotherapy.

Too many things in my head finding release.

Today is my dad’s death anniversary. I prayed one Rosary earlier for all our dearly departed relatives and friends asking God’s mercy upon them and His Perpetual Light shine upon them and may their souls rest in peace.

Year end default thinking...endings and beginning.

When is my own expiration date here on this earth?

Would it be tragic or peaceful?

Would it be sudden or welcome?

All these anxious thoughts I surrender at the foot of the cross of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, asking Him to cover it with His Most Precious Blood to release and cut away anxiety and sadness from my memories in mind and body so I can be free to live a life in fullness and wholeness and holiness.

Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you.

Today’s gospel reading tells us about the prophetess Anna who pointed to Jesus as the future source of redemption for the people of Israel and the world.

I, Anne, will now likewise do the same in the context of my experiences.

For the last Friday of Christmas week, Ruel and I decided to watch one movie. I chose Kevin Sorbo’s Left Behind.

Towards the end of the movie, my first born, Marina showed me a clip of another movie. It kind of hooked me despite the fact that it was of the horror genre...something I avoid like the plague.

With some bit of curiosity and courage, we started watching the movie: Nefarious.

Ruel was bored to death.

I was on the edge of my seat.

Marina was nonchalantly glued as well while holding on to her cellphone busy multi tasking.

After we were done, she suggested checking out Matt Fradd’s commentary on the movie.

I further researched on the writer and the book it was based on.

It somehow blew me away.

It somehow gave me another understanding of mental health and demonic possession, oppression and infestation.

Topics I want to deal with with a ten-foot pole.

But, here I am wanting to shed light on my key take away.

The line separating mental health challenges, like Schizophrenia and demonic possession is most probably as thin as a strand of hair.

Western medicine would pursue medication while my faith belief would seek spiritual deliverances and the sacraments.

I once again recalled my first hand experience with a demonic attack on one sister in the community of Single’s for Christ back in the mid-1990’s.

I was half-heartedly attending the Growing in the Spirit talk of a 16 week Christian Life Program which will prepare you to be a member of the young adult organization.

The speaker was the late Paulette Lirio, a full time mission worker who was based in Singapore prior to her just recent death.

So, while she was giving the talk, she tells us later, she had an impression that the participants were like “ white washed tombs, beautiful on the outside, but rotting inside.”

She was telling herself, something is not right here, because the participants were expected to be on fire with the previous week’s baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Mid-way to her talk, one of the sister in the outer hall/ entrance of the Divine Mercy Shrine in Maysilo, Mandaluyong City, was having some sort of emotional breakdown.

My attention was caught, when someone was yelling for help, while a group were struggling to bring this sister whom we shall call MAHAL ( not her real name,) to the main church on the 2nd floor.

Confusion and chaos ensued.

I tried to figure out heads or tails of what was going on.

There was the nearby hospital, but these group thought it best to bring Mahal upstairs.

Later on, I learned MAHAL almost managed to PULL with her a handful of sisters and brothers to cross the busy street and almost got bumped by speeding vehicles away from the proper cross walk.

Fearfully I followed them.

Once there, I saw how MAHAL was like a crazy dog, lunging at people, 3 strong brothers were trying to hold her, but, they were failing miserably.

One sister would scream realizing rosary beads would be broken in the struggle.

I found myself leading the group in casting out the evil presence that was dominating MAHAL.

She leered at me. She attacked me. She called out to me in a manner of familiarity. As if she knew what I was thinking and that made me have a headache. As If she knew how unworthy, unprepared I was to battle with IT.

She behaved like a baby on another moment. As I screamed the script I picked up from movies. My hand almost touching her forehead.

She whimpered and curled up in a corner the next moment.

As she calmed down.

I told the group I was going to get more help downstairs.

With teeth chattering and my knees shaking, I met Paulette as she was quietly going upstairs to us.

Just out of the french doors, she hold both of my hands and says:

“The battle has been won. Have courage. Jesus has won this battle already. Gather some sisters, go infront of the tabernacle and keep praying. Not minding whatever you hear. Do not stop until I tell you to.”

Looking back as she finished her instructions, I saw MAHAL right behind the glass door, looking at us as if she was from a psycho movie and the rest of the sisters and brother’s once again attempting to restrain her because she had KILL & HATRED written in her expression.

After gathering some sisters to pray with me, I made sure, we used the opposite staircase.

The howling and screaming that we heard was something else.


After all the chaos, Paulette gathered all the service team and reminded us of our failures. Attempting to serve in the Lord’s work, while we forgot the basics of seeking the sacraments especially the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession prior to serving and empowering ourselves with the Eucharist.

The dreams I had prior to this event, what I saw right before I entered the Shrine’s perimeter wall were of the kind that warned me of things to come. Things that we already know as we attempt to remain children of the LIGHT, that the forces of DARKNESS will not give up without a FIGHT.

We are in a battle whether we like it or not.

We cannot remain lukewarm.

We have to choose sides and draw the line on the sand.

Gospel | Luke 2:36-40

Anna dedicated the remaining years of her life to serving God in prayer. May we follow her example as our situations permit. There are moments when we can call to mind the needs of the Church and intercede for God’s people. Let us pray that our hearts go out to praying for and serving our brothers and sisters. 

Gospel Acclamation

A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. Today a great light has come upon the earth. 

36 There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, 37 and then as a widow until she was eighty four. She never left the temple, but worshipped night and day with fasting and prayer. 38 And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem. 39 When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. 40 The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him. 


How has God brought along an “Anna” to confirm something in your life? How did this affect you? 

( Kerygma Daily Bible Reading/Reflections)

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Who Inspired You to Keep on the Faith?


Guide questions based on Kerygma Family Daily Bible Reading and Reflections:

1.)Sin is the wound, repentance is the medicine. Sin is followed by shame; repentance is followed by boldness . . . Satan has . . . given boldness to sin and shame to repentance.” (St. John Chrysostom)

Lord, open my hands to receive Your gift of love. Amen.” (Henri Nouwen)

2.)Who is the leader in your family, at work, in community, in the Church who inspired you to keep on with the faith?

3.)Who do you say is Jesus? How do you become strong yet humble?

Heavenly Father, may my words of faith come from You. Amen.

** *

Last Thursday night, Friday morning in Philippine time, I interviewed my/our spiritual head in the community of Single’s For Christ circa 1994-2003.

The last time we met was back in 2017.

A handful of us met up with our leader couple.

He and his wife’s dedication to the work of evangelization has inspired me to keep the faith of being in active membership in a church based community.

He is now 67 years old and he still looks the same. His wife seems to have found the anti aging pill. She too seems to not have aged since the last time.

I marvel at the mirace workings of God’s provision and guidance in their lives.

They will be celebrating 44 years of being married.

Their youngest daughter will soon tie the knot and I remember meeting them by chance at Lourdes Hospital while they were leaving the hospital and I was doing my rounds as a medical rep 35 years ago.

I praise and thank God for being able to witness, in snipets, their family life and how they have overcome challenges while serving God in community life while being responsible for hundreds of young adults.

By the time they turned over their section of service, there were around 3000 active souls.

He is like a very proud father announcing to me the stature and lofty positions most batch mates are in now in global community of Couple’s For Christ.

I will be posting the video soon via youtube.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Dear Nanay Erlinda


May 10,2024


Dear Nanay:

It was Easter Sunday that you left us.

Evening for you guys in the Philippines, early Sunday morning for us here in North America.

It was so sudden!

Thank God, we were given the grace to see you in the U.S. last June 2023 before you returned to the Philippines for good after being in North America for more than 11 years.

It is so sad that you did not get the chance to visit us here in Canada.

Despite the harsh winter, Canada has a breathtaking beauty and when summer comes around, like now, you will appreciate the brightness of the color of the green grasses, the budding leaves of trees, the yellow gold of the sunshine, the refreshing blue of the skies with the puffy white clouds drifting by more.

Today, we remember your 40 days after your death here on earth.

The dates coincide with the beautiful moments of Easter and Ascension of Our Lord.

I will always honor you for bringing into this world the father of my daughters.

Thank you for all the countless sacrifices you have done for your own brood of 8 and growing number of  grandchildren.

Ruel has been  having dreams of you and Tatay a lot lately,

He remembers what you whispered into his ear when we surprised you in Fort Lauderdale in the wee hours of the morning....

We will treasure that as well as the trip to the beach, the pool at Tita Rev’s, the harvesting of manggoes, your cooking tirelessly for us and preparing all the pasalubong of atchara, the best!!!!

The girls and I will recreate your wonderful pandesal and spanish bread and atchara soon and will will recount all the love you have sent our way.

Please rest in peace knowing that you have been a wonderful wife to Tatay, loving mom to your 8 children, doting grandma to her apos and inspiring mother in law.

Thank you so much for everything you did for us.
