Sunday, June 30, 2024

Who Inspired You to Keep on the Faith?


Guide questions based on Kerygma Family Daily Bible Reading and Reflections:

1.)Sin is the wound, repentance is the medicine. Sin is followed by shame; repentance is followed by boldness . . . Satan has . . . given boldness to sin and shame to repentance.” (St. John Chrysostom)

Lord, open my hands to receive Your gift of love. Amen.” (Henri Nouwen)

2.)Who is the leader in your family, at work, in community, in the Church who inspired you to keep on with the faith?

3.)Who do you say is Jesus? How do you become strong yet humble?

Heavenly Father, may my words of faith come from You. Amen.

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Last Thursday night, Friday morning in Philippine time, I interviewed my/our spiritual head in the community of Single’s For Christ circa 1994-2003.

The last time we met was back in 2017.

A handful of us met up with our leader couple.

He and his wife’s dedication to the work of evangelization has inspired me to keep the faith of being in active membership in a church based community.

He is now 67 years old and he still looks the same. His wife seems to have found the anti aging pill. She too seems to not have aged since the last time.

I marvel at the mirace workings of God’s provision and guidance in their lives.

They will be celebrating 44 years of being married.

Their youngest daughter will soon tie the knot and I remember meeting them by chance at Lourdes Hospital while they were leaving the hospital and I was doing my rounds as a medical rep 35 years ago.

I praise and thank God for being able to witness, in snipets, their family life and how they have overcome challenges while serving God in community life while being responsible for hundreds of young adults.

By the time they turned over their section of service, there were around 3000 active souls.

He is like a very proud father announcing to me the stature and lofty positions most batch mates are in now in global community of Couple’s For Christ.

I will be posting the video soon via youtube.

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